A review by its_justine
A Keeper's Destiny by C.A. King

* SPFBO5 Read *

A Keeper's Destiny is a coming-of-age story that follows a group of teenagers as they discover their own abilities and attempt to save the world from an impending invasion and complete destruction, as foretold in a prophecy. This story also focuses on the corruption of man, and the inevitable ruin that follows. It's apparent King has imbued this world with an interesting and rich history, as we catch snippets of the past through storytelling and seers - I only wish these facets were discussed in further detail while setting up the conflict of the main story. This book has a promising concept and tons of potential, what with the idea of once-believed sealed portals opening between worlds, but it just falls short on delivery.

I unfortunately didn't finish this book, as I couldn't get past the copious amounts of info dumping, often repetitive, that drowned the first 40%. For one of this length, I expected this story to swiftly sweep me into a fantastical and mysterious tale of prophecies led by a Chosen One, but the author left nothing to the imagination. Although this is labeled YA, I felt as though the narrator was speaking to a younger audience, with portions that were overly simplified, and too much focus on inconsequential aspects. While I love the idea of a younger cast exploring their strengths, talents, and interesting powers, I was unable to connect with any of them. I was definitely interested in the core tale, and was looking forward to finally reaching the 'ah ha' moment, however my journey to get there was just too prolonged.