A review by victoriakleinco
Do Your Om Thing: Bending Yoga Tradition to Fit Your Modern Life by Rebecca Pacheco


Oooh, have I got a Yoga book for you.

Wait, don’t close the window yet!

I know there’s a seemingly endless number of Yoga books on the shelves these days, but this one is for YOU. Yes you – the real person on the other end of the screen you’re reading this post on right now.

You have a job, friends, family, lover(s), commitments, hopes, dreams, fears, and bills (among other things). You make it to a Yoga class when you can, or maybe you have a dedicated asana practice but it just isn’t what it used to be.

Like I said ... oooh, have I got a Yoga book for you!

"It takes courage to begin, but it gets easier. Yogis seek to prepare the best conditions for success, and then it’s a matter of repetition, momentum, and perseverance. At the core of a meaningful life is the desire and capacity to take the steps needs to create what we want."

Enter: Rebecca Pacheco – or for web-savvy Yogis, Om Gal (omgal.com). I’ve been a fan of her realistically quirky Yoga blog for years and when I heard she was writing a book, I nearly fell out of my chair (or out of Utkatasana as it were - Yoga humor!).

This Massachusetts gal has no trouble keeping it real – like yours truly. Her writing style always makes me feel at home + like I’m talking to a good friend who just “gets” me.

Naturally, her first book, "Do Your Om Thing: Bending Yoga Tradition to Fit Your Modern Life", is written in that same down-to-earth, non-hippy-dippy tone that we can all relate to.

"If we didn’t have illusions, we wouldn’t need Yoga ... The Yoga you are doing is not lessened by your daily distractions or stress. It is fueled by it; the distractions and stress are the kerosene for the karmic burning we need to do, to slough off the old and ill-fitting parts of ourselves and become clearer and closer to who we really are."

There she goes – keepin’ it real!

I’ll be honest: I lost Yoga recently. My physical practice fell off to nearly non-existent, as did my vital daily morning meditation practice. I became someone that I didn’t recognize, but she also seemed very familiar. She was me, is me – the true me. The flawed, curious, creative, passionate me that I’d been ignoring for over a decade.

Reading "Do Your Om Thing" reminded me of all the things I love about Yoga. No matter who you are, where you are, how much money you make, or your what believe spiritually, Yoga can help you become more present, compassionate, open-hearted, and focused (plus maybe a bit more flexible). This book reminded me of why I started teaching Yoga, and why I needed to take a break from teaching.

This book is for real Yogis, modern Yogis who don’t pure on airs about being perfect in every asana, obsessing about the latest juice cleanses, or boasting about how everyone at the local lululemon store knows their name. This book is for the perfectly imperfect among us – that’s you and me, my friend!

You’ll learn a bit more about asana, sure, but you’ll also get a joyous dose of the expansive world of Yoga you may have never heard of before. Even if you’re a Yoga teacher like me, naming off chakras like celebrities in the latest tabloids, this book is a delightful reminder + a fresh perspective on timeless topics.

Yes, there are a lot of Yoga books out there (I even wrote one! [b:27 Things to Know about Yoga|8693658|27 Things to Know about Yoga|Victoria Klein|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348422687s/8693658.jpg|13566215]), but every book is written by a different person. A person with a different background, different perspective, different insights on a subject that people have been studying for thousands of years. And Rebecca’s book, Do Your Om Thing, is unequivocally worth your time, your money, + the space on your bookshelf.