A review by akookieforyou
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins



Reading Rush 2020

Wow. This series definitely ended on a sourer note than I would've wished. In some ways I liked this one better than Lola, but in others it was so much worse. I was so flipping bored while reading this; I had to actively force myself to continue it, and by the last few pages I just started skimming. The thing is though, Isla and Josh were a better and more interesting couple than Lola and Cricket could ever dream to be, so it just makes this all the more upsetting. I think the biggest flaw was definitely having Isla and Josh get together and 'fall in love' so early on; it felt way to fast and completely unreal, and it made the rest of the book feel lacking. I'm also not a fan of how Isla behaved, and treated Josh during Christmas either. It was so much bullshit, and I just did not feel sorry for her at all. In fact I actively wanted to slap her and tell how stupid she was being. The only truly enjoyable part of this whole experience was getting to see Anna and Etienne get their happily ever after, it actually made me tear up a bit.