A review by mariahistryingtoread
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


This book completely undermines the struggles of the oppressed. I am not averse to this kind of forbidden relationship because I think it can lead to a lot of growth in terms of perspective and character development. It also creates interesting dynamics as well as reveal a lot about the fundamental values of the society. But, that's only if it's done well.

I went into this book knowing that Zelie and Prince Inan would end up in a relationship. It's in the plot summary after all. And I was wary for exactly the reasons that I was disappointed in the book. Zelie and Inan fall in love way too fast. It's not insta-love because there is actually good tension for awhile because of the hatred on both sides. However, as soon as the 'understanding' part begins the devotion is accelerated at an alarming, ridiculous rate. And considering how long it takes Zelie to warm up to Amari (which I also felt didn't live up to its full potential for other reasons) I was annoyed that the strong-willed, patriotic Zelie was willing to forsake all of her staunch beliefs for a boy. It didn't ring true with the character we're presented with at the beginning of the novel. And even with the things she'd learned over the course of the events of the novel it didn't make sense because it was so rapid.

Plus I was disappointed to have this freedom fighter so quickly capitulate to the desires of not just a boy she hardly knew, but a boy that had committed countless atrocities in the name of chasing her down in the first place. A boy that barely understands the reality of her life and as such whose suggestions come from a totally unrealistic place. Which she would know if not for her 'love' for him totally blinding her. And that's totally not the point because it's framed as correct and only outside forces are what impedes it.

I'm not saying that this relationship could not have worked. My issue is that the moment the relationship begins the book tanks immediately in every regard simply because of how insulting the execution is. It would have been leaps and bounds better if they hated each other in this book, and moved towards grudging respect. The events at the end of this book still work if they're just friends.

I loved the world building. It was so rich with culture and it was clear the author cared deeply about the setting on multiple levels. I loved Zelie's brother Tzain, and his willingness to do whatever it took for his sister. I enjoyed Zelie as a character before the whole romance thing bungled it up. I would get frustrated with her decisions, but I could respect where she was coming from. I thought Inan's inner turmoil was so relatable even though I hated the fact that he had turmoil at all over the treatment of an entire people. Amari was pitch perfect the whole way through. I would change one thing, but it's way less about her and related way more to dropping the ball on Zelie's character.

Basically, literally all of this book is ruined by the way the romance plays out. It hurts everything about the book in every way. Everything I liked about it is mostly in the first half. I finished it because I still was invested in the underlying story which props to the writer, but it sucked that I had to spend a good chunk of it disgusted and feeling like my time was wasted. It also was way too long. There was a ton of filler that should have been cut out in hindsight. All of the major events had to happen in this book because of how it seems to fit with the trajectory of the rest of the series. But, there was a better way of pacing the book. However, it is a testament to the strength of the worldbuilding that I was still so invested in the outcome of the warring factions. I truly was rooting for the king's regime to fall.

I kind of do want to read the second book, but I also saw seeds of a love triangle being sowed at the end of this one and I am so not ready to be subjected to that.