A review by anaffpereira
The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Marina Keegan


The Opposite of Loneliness is a collection of (mostly) interesting stories. Some I found memorable, others not so much, a couple of them I just didn't understand.

Although the fiction works seem very real, the writing felt somewhat forced, as if the author was trying too hard to be deeply profound, to wrap everything up nicely. Nevertheless, stories like "Cold Pastoral" (which was particularly boring) left me rather confused, since there seemed to be no concrete ending or resolution.

Her non-fiction work, on the other hand, is much more fluid, with relevant topics. Keegan was smart and driven; I think she somehow would accomplish her dream of being a writer, had her life not been cut short. On that note, it was too sad to read her concerns about running out of timeā€¦ Life sure is cruel.

This being said, The Opposite of Loneliness didn't impacted me as I expected. Its popularity is absolutely due to the author's unfortunate and sad death; so there isn't much objectivity surrounding this book, much of its value is purely sentimental. People are fascinated by tragedy and how unfair life is; therefore, they are fascinated by this book.