A review by shandra
Haunting Echoes by Caethes Faron



Superb technical writing made Haunting Echoes a literary masterpiece. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to review it for a blog tour. I wound up purchasing a permanent copy because I can't imagine not revisiting this in a year; knowing there will be more of Michael and Amaia? That thrilled me almost as much as this story did which is saying something.

Reincarnation has always been something I've found fascinating, especially in regards to a romance. If one could relive their life over and over, what better reason to come back to Earth than for love?

Haunting Echoes showcases the best aspect of that concept of reincarnation in Michael -the human who comes back forever and ever for Amaia's love- yet also manages to do a brutally honest portrayal of vampire culture.

Vampires are so often romanticized. They're glittery. They live off animal blood. They only take a sip here or there to survive. We've all read the tropes to make them seem more empathetic, but really? They are parasites. Vampires feed from the blood of the living to sustain their eternal undeath. That's not exactly as romantic in actuality as it sounds in theory.

I love that Caethes Faron portrayed Jocelyn -the courtesan who becomes Amaia, the vampire fledgling who grows into her own- as a woman who wanted power so sought to become a vampire in order to gain it and then disproves the theory that immortality does not come without a price.

Amaia is NOT Jocelyn.

She retains some memories of her human life; she has some of her human traits, but she's an entirely reborn creature.

This creature is as dangerous as it is deadly beautiful which is why she's so fascinating. Her perspective throughout the work was executed in such a way I found myself imagining life as a predator. It was glorious, uplifting, and wildly visceral.

There were so many things I loved about this work from the portrayal of vampirism to the workings of the vampire hierarchy to the side characters -for real? I would run off with Meg and Liam. Instantly.- to the way Michael became Michelle became Michael and yet never stopped being the same in spite of everything.

Haunting Echoes breaks down all barriers of society to showcase love as it's meant to be: all-consuming. It's a timeless piece which I am so grateful to have had occasion to read so I can give it the 5 stars I'm allowed to place on it.

Thanks for a fantastic tale, Caethes Faron. I can't wait to see what's next for this pair!

**Note: Review based on a complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review from THIS REDHEAD LOVES BOOKS BLOG though I have since purchased my own copy to keep as a part of my permanent library.**