A review by teeana10
My Rotten Love Life by Lyra Winters


This is such an amazing read. I was sucked into the post-apocalyptic world filled with ex lovers and friends and potential new lovers.

The main female character, Tori has been through tough trauma, but her family and love interests help her through it. I absolutely love her sister Spencer she is a spit fire, and I absolutely love her no BS attitude and that she defends her sister with no care. Absolutely hated Daisy and Jay from the first couple of paragraphs.

There are some gore filled moments, as well as funny and sexy and sad moments. I wouldn't change a thing. Well, actually, maybe one thing that happened when they first left the ranch on the way to Oasis. Other than that, I completely agree with how things went down. Karma can be a real beacccch, but being true and honest, well, that gets you farther.

I highly recommend you to read this book, as well as all of Lyra's other books. I've read them all, and they are equally amazing.