A review by trilanna
A Cry in the Night by Mary Higgins Clark


I read this book years ago. As I recall, I liked it. However, coming across this book for a second time and with a few years of life lessons behind me, I cannot feel quite the same level of fondness as I did in my younger years. I gave it three stars mainly because of the memories from reading it in my youth. I have read nearly every book Mary Higgins Clark has written. I like her free flowing and relaxed style. I have re-read some of my favorite books by her over and over. Sadly, this one won't be one of them.

(Spoilers) As I read through this book now I cannot really say that I feel any pity for Jenny. I know I am looking at this through the eyes of a 40 year old woman in the year 2013 but I kept thinking to myself that she is an idiot! I don't believe love at first sight is a thing of the past but can a so called strong independent mother of two, living in New York really let herself be so swayed that she moves her family to another state to be with a guy that she has known for what feels like all of five minutes? Was her need to feel cared for so overwhelming that she chose to believe that this man was absolutely perfect and the answer to all her problems? I just kept thinking that yeah that is what happens when you just trust someone you just met without ever haven been given a reason to do so, you end up with a crazy man!

Then her willingness to just accept things so easily... I can see how someone who has loved a person for years can be blind to their faults but again, she had only known him for a blip in time! As far as these people that loved Caroline, I get them being distraught and missing her but I can't get that they were all still crazy with grief after so many years. It is like the entire farm needed counseling and not just Erich. I found so many things unbelievable as far as the feelings of the characters and their actions. They were all emotionally unstable. About the only thing that gave me that feeling of surprise was that Erich was not only crazy but was a fraud as well and had been forging his mother's art. Everything else was predictable.

Anyhow, my life isn't worse from reading it again and I won't hold this one book against an author that I have grown up reading since I was barely a teenager. I will keep my copy of this book on the shelf with the rest of my collection. I just wont bother to endure it again.