A review by cassiesnextchapter
#IMomSoHard by Jen Smedley, Kristin Hensley


A laugh-as-you-cry book about all the things moms do to keep kids and husbands alive and well (and maybe happy), and the strength and importance of the women who get you through it all. With a glass of wine, of course.

"There is nothing like a mob of moms celebrating our collective boss power to restore your faith in the universe."

Full Book Review

Quick Synopsis:
In the true fashion of a mom who doesn't have time to waste rewriting a perfectly well-written synopsis, here's what Amazon says this book is about:
"Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley, the creators of #IMOMSOHARD, know that you probably didn’t get to shower today and that the last thing you need is more advice on how to be a better parent. Instead, they invite you to join their laugh-out-loud, best friend banter on the eighty bajillion ways moms give their all every day."

My Thoughts... 4.5 stars, rounded up, because moms need the extra love!
I first heard about the comedy duo (of Kristin and Jen) that is #IMOMSOHARD back in 2017. Trying to figure out the mayhem that is a 2-year-old, discovering that marriage changes after losing a child and then having a child (and that child is super spicy), and finding new friends whose paths as mothers were similarly difficult were all happening to me. All at the same time. It was overwhelming. Then one of my new friends sent me an #IMOMSOHARD video, and I felt seen. Cry-laughing, I couldn't stop watching the videos and thinking, These women get it, and aren't afraid to talk about the hard stuff.

June 21, 2017, the evening I got my braces on for the second time in my life (ugh, really?!?!), I piled into the mom-wagon with my three friends and we headed to Denver to watch Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley's Mom's Night Out Tour. We had such a great time out together, in a room filled with other moms who GET IT, listening to two hilarious moms who know the struggles and voice them. What a joy!

Needless to say, seeing that they released this book was SO exciting to me. (I blame my mom-brain on not knowing sooner that it was coming out.) I laughed, I commiserated, I nodded, I sighed. There were even parts that got serious and deep into the dark emotions of being a mom and wife and daughter - our worries and fears, our losses and failures, and the tendency to write us off. I found myself tearing up a few times, only to find myself laughing through the tears in the next moment. It was such a refreshing blend of painful honesty and witty resilience.

If you're a mom, you'll probably enjoy this book. If you're a mom who needs a laugh about all the ridiculousness that is life, you'll love this book. I'm the type of mom that loved this book so much, that I bought it for each of my wine/beer/whisky-drinking friends who rode with me in that mom-wagon to Kristin & Jen's first comedy tour, and who are going through this insanely amazing life with me, and momming so hard.