A review by lemonreadssss
More Than Forever by Jay McLean



i MASSIVELY enjoyed this book.

it was funny, and witty, and realistic. More than that, I loved the side characters like MarkyMark, i loved the running jokes (punchy Cam, cam on the mic at marks, vaginagate, Dylan). It was hilarious, and i enjoyed it way more than i thought i would. It was realistic in the sense that Cam and Lucy knew that they couldn’t force forever, as much as they might have wanted to. 15 is young and sometimes you hang onto something with promises that can’t hold anymore. This book captured that. It didn’t overdo the miscommunication, in fact there was rather good communication at times and space when needed. Their fights were so realistic. I loved how she showed that men cry, and that its normal and natural. I loved Mark and Cam’s relationship, it was probably my favourite part of the entire book. I loved their relationship more than his and Lucy’s. This book was different to a lot of the ones I have read before. But most of all it was really charming.

So why didn’t this book get a higher rating?

Firstly, you can tell that though this can be read as a standalone, we are missing some context and groundwork that has been laid in the previous books. I was confused when Lucy made it out like she and the group were super close- I was like when did this happen? So yeah, that was definitely already laid down by the previous books.

Secondly, I found it unrealistic how Cam just started to help Lucy randomly. He took a random interest in her and pursued her. Didn’t buy it. To add to that, they had an instalove moment at the very beginning of their relationship, and idk i believed in their relationship after i saw their scenes together, but the way they started out didn’t really make sense to me. Also, when you settle down with someone that early on, it can be hard to not grow and change as people. Which is one of the best and most natural parts of life, beginning an intense relationship that young can cause you to stifle your growth in efforts of staying with the other person. Their level of codependency at 15 was honestly concerning. They’d often say stuff like ‘He/She’s my world’. or ‘He/She is my life’. That just isn’t healthy, and the thing is I’m old enough to see that, but younger readers may not understand that and that’s a huge problem.

My biggest issue:

The OW drama. I mean, it got the point where I was rooting for a 5 year relationship to end. I stopped trusting Cam, he didn’t necessarily cheat, but he might as well have. I never got over it. No amount of grovelling fixed it. And there was some good grovel in there. But it just ruined my view of Cam tbh. Especially the drawing. It ruined the book for me in all honesty. It just went too far to where Cam couldn’t be redeemed in my eyes.

Also Heather annoyed me. Like lady stop being so prideful and accept help and just marry Mark already. She put her son through such a hard time just because she was too proud to take money from a guy who was practically his dad. It really annoyed me. She shouldve let him be Cam’s dad because he literally was.

Anyway yeah thats my thoughts on that.