A review by kcyu16
D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Battle for the Normandy Beaches by Stephen E. Ambrose


Stephen Ambrose loves democracy and loves America. These are important things to note when beginning D-Day - you will not be getting an unbiased recounting of the events on June 6, 1944. But for the most part, Ambrose balances his biases and gives the US' allies some credit, even if it fills a much smaller proportion of the book. The accounts and interviews that Ambrose used over a vast overview of the day, ranging from privates to generals to skippers to Supreme Commanders. I recently did a D-Day tour with the children of a veteran that landed on Utah. He told them that medals almost meant nothing that day because everyone was scared and everyone was brave. Ambrose's book supports that account and is a superb way to gain a greater understanding of the strategy behind the invasion and the bold and innovative men that used their ingenuity, courage, and sacrifice to carry out their objectives.