A review by pbanditp
Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn


This book is inhabited by the vilest of humanity you won’t like them, you will cringe and shudder. You will be nauseous because you know there are people out there like this.
Eidolon sounds like a combination of Elysian Fields and Eden, however, they are quite the opposite.
There is a residence on Eidolon Ave that is five floors tall, each floor is a book and each room is a story. There are five rooms on the second floor.
2A Stumble-The unnamed main character is having trouble with sleep. He has unexpected sleep and never quality sleep.
The story mainly jumps between his therapist, his room on it Eidolon, and in a field with a girl, as he tries to remember and make sense of his past. There are no line splits to differentiate and it works surprisingly well. Curiosity pulls you on as the story comes together even as it slices you apart.
2B Scrape- this one brings on the hate. Absolutely want to beat the hell out of the guy and shake the desperation out of the girl. I love stories that make me feel so much emotion.
2C String cord tendril twine- “The floor felt like flesh.” One hell of a quote to start the story, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Trigger warning about a creepy teacher and young girls.

The first three stories were my favorite. Unfortunately, the last two just didn’t illicit any feelings. They were dark and dreary but not as good.
Eidolon has some vacancies now but before you sign the lease, just think about what one former tenet thought. He “refused to breathe too deeply the inescapable stench of dispirited lives. The still-buried secrets. The last vestiges of hope abandoned to despair and then death still resonating in every inhalation.”