A review by nightravyn
The Woad to Wuin by Peter David


I read the first book, [b:Sir Apropos of Nothing|558833|Sir Apropos of Nothing|Peter David|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1175794101s/558833.jpg|1128509], and enjoyed it a lot. I think I must be going through a non-snarky humor phase, because while I enjoyed this one, it wasn't the same enjoyment that I had with the first. Don't get me wrong. This one is still funny, but the anti-hero is the same as he is in the first: out to save his own skin first and foremost. For whatever reason, it annoyed me halfway through the book this time.

In any case, if you like the first book, you'll most likely like this one. Me? I'll go back and read it again at a later date.