A review by sarah_moynihan
The Widow Wore Plaid by Jenna Jaxon


‘It is a truth rarely acknowledged—at least in public—that a wealthy widow is free to pursue a great many adventures. For two years, Jane has privately enjoyed her independence. Why should she remarry, even when the gentleman proposing is as wonderful as Gareth, Lord Kinellan? She entreats him never to ask her again. But as her Widows' Club friends—now all joyfully remarried—gather at Castle Kinellan, Jane begins to wonder if stubbornness has led her to make a terrible mistake...

Kinellan needs a wife to give him an heir, and he wants that wife to be Jane. They are perfect together in every way, yet she continually refuses him. Just as he is on the point of convincing her, a series of accidents befall Gareth and point to an enemy in their midst. He has promised Jane a passionate future filled with devotion, but can he keep them both alive long enough to secure it?’

3.5 stars, rounded down to 3 stars.

The Widow Wore Plaid is the sixth book in Jeanna Jaxon’s The Widow’s Club series and is a historical romance.

I thought the book was a bit slow to start, but once the two main characters came to an understanding the story really started moving forward and the mystery began to unfold. The plot really builds, Early on there is only the uncertainty of their relationship, but then some mysterious and dangerous circumstances are introduced. Then that builds even more to throwing the characters into a real life or death situation, leaving them stranded and unsure of their chances. The level of danger and consequence is quite high for the second half of the book and that really made the book for me. I really enjoyed the book and really the only issue for me was Jane’s character.

I’ll be honest I really did not care for Jane. Although she did grow on me as the story progressed. I was able to look past my annoyance with her to enjoy the book, but I found her quite unlikable. I assume, as the series is titled The Widow’s Club and Jane is one of those Widow’s that we are meant to have prior background knowledge of Jane and be quite familiar with her character over the course of the previous books. Perhaps that is part of the reason I didn’t like her, I wasn’t already familiar with her character and, if I was, perhaps I would have sympathized more. Both her disregard for Gareth’s feelings and her seeming lack of interest in her children(although supposedly this is her first husband’s fault and now she’s too nervous to change the nature of her relationship with her kids). However I will give props where due and she redeemed herself quite a bit in showing such strength during difficult and harrowing situations. But let’s be honest, Gareth deserves far more credit for being able to keep his patience while dealing with her crap.

I think I would definitely read another book by this author and as long as there isn’t another Jane-like character, I’m sure to enjoy it.

I would like to thank Kensington Books, Zebra for sharing an eARC of The Widow Wore Plaid by Jeanna Jaxon with me. This is an honest review.