A review by thebookishmel
Lemon Lavender Is Not Fine by Elle Pallmore


2.5 rating

Okay I don’t know how to fully feel about this book. There are plenty of moments that I didn’t like especially when it came to the girl on girl hate. I didn’t like that I only realize she was 16 after it was mentioned around 80 to 90% of the book, I totally thought that she was like 17 or 18. There were so many typical high school tropes in this and it felt like a really bad rendition of Mean Girls.

I think the only sane character throughout all this was Isabel and that’s because she would literally sit there and call lemon out on her lack of desire to do anything productive and positive. I definitely think that Lemon was a self deprecating character, and she really didn’t realize the effect that her behavior had on the rest of the world. I do think though that played a great role in character development and having Isabel call her out like that and have her realize is a great way to sort out at the end of the novel.

I genuinely think only parts that I really liked of this book were the first 20% in the last 10% but the rest of the book just wasn’t that great. I got an arc from Net Galley and I don’t know if I would necessarily recommend this, but it was only sort of okay.