A review by a_reader_obsessed
A Holiday Crush by CJane Elliott


3 Hearts

This was a feel good story showcasing an opposites attract connection with a slight age gap.

Brad is a very successful lawyer, set in his ways and not really enjoying life like he should. When he catches the eye of courtroom videographer Michael, he doesn’t quite know what to make of it. Why would such a vivacious young man have any interest in boring old him??

I liked the progression between these two as they take small careful steps, realizing just how much they connect on many levels. Michael was endearing as a character, and his enthusiasm was infectious. Brad eventually realizes that there’s more to life than the superficial cutthroat existence of his law practice, and he’d be a fool to give up a chance with Michael.

Despite this having just a few kisses, it was still enjoyable, as it’s never too late to change your stripes for the chance at something better.

Thank you to the author/publisher for a copy in exchange for a honest review

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