A review by mjsam
Home by Kris Bryant


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a fairly sweet romance from Bryant that falls somewhere between a novella and a novel. It features Natalie, a Sheriff in her small home town, and Sarah, who is returning to said small town with her six year old daughter. Natalie and Sarah shared a kiss in high school, and haven’t talked since. Both remember the kiss though (and think about it a lot since seeing each other again).

To be honest, not much happens in this book, these two reunite, have a lot of ‘meet cutes’ and then get together, in between that is a subplot about a lost dog, that even though I love dogs, I thought took up too much of the story given it’s length. The side characters aren’t terribly fleshed out, but are very supportive and there’s some cute moments with Sarah’s daughter Harper, who also features in the dramatic portion of the book.

Thankfully there’s no miscommunication or contrived breakup, and the MCs are very sweet together. I did think the ending from the dog’s POV was weird though. 3.5 stars.