A review by git_r_read
The Big Chili by Julia Buckley


Julia Buckley had me with the books I've read in her Writer's Apprentice Mystery series and cemented it with this beginning of this series. Since this is on my Nook and I read my Nook before going to sleep, I did not get much sleep once I started reading it. I became absorbed in the story and I really didn't mind too much when I had a hard time drifting off at night. More reading time.
It's a really good premise with excellent characters and setting.
The premise is a woman who assists her parents with their realtor business by day and by night she creates meals that her clients can claim are their own. I loved the clandestine meetings for the hand-offs. The meals Lilah created sounded delightful.
Lilah is someone I could see being friends with. Her brother is nifty and their parents are super. I like how the book talks about their relationship, it's integral to the story and the mystery.
Plenty of suspects but not so many as to be confusing. The recipes in the back are intriguing.
I already have the next two books in the series uploaded to the Nook.
I can definitely recommend this book, series and author.