A review by elenser
The Dead Zone by Stephen King


This Stephen King guy can write. Another fantastic read and sufficient encouragement to continue my King kick, and proof that his writing ability is not exclusive to horror/overtly supernatural tales.

Overall not quite at the level of Pet Semetary for me, but still an outstanding piece of fiction that was largely consumed via the James Franco-read audiobook on Spotify which was a treat. Halfway through this book I would have given it five stars, but I think some of the plot progression towards the end and how King attempts to weave the early and middle plot together with that of the end was lacking and did the rest of the book disservice.

Lots of eerie, foreboding themes with an uncannily Trump-like antagonist despite this being written all the way back in 1979. For me, diving into those themes is an interesting perspective to explore (especially being written pre-Trump era), but on the same note as my above mention of poorly connected plot pieces, it's a stark and disappointing change of pace from a cheerier first half where the most interesting characters and relationships of the story live as well.