A review by a_j_torres0
Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes


This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 6.

Book Cover: 5* - Again, I'm going to love these covers until the day I die, but I did notice that the background to each book after book 3 and 4 become less and less . . . Intricate? Yeah let's go with that lol. I do see a city behind Magnus and Cleo, yes I'm sure it's them, and I'm sure the city is Auranos with a bright a** sun above it. I guess it's to put more focus on the characters, but I think the sun is a bit distracting. All in all, last book, I still love the covers.

Summary/Tagline: 1.5* - Alright, all in all, the summary makes the book sound more epic and thrilling than it actually is. After reading the book, one characters story feels unnecessary and in the way from what we should really focus on and the story this time, read more like it was dragging, taking a long time to get where it was going. So, the summary did not at all make me excited to read this last story I'm afraid.

Characters: 3* - The chapter titles are still character names, which makes looking forward to specific chapters easier and unbearable lol. There are a total of 6 POVs this time and everyone is various lengths.
Jonas Agallon/5 POV Chapters - Ooh kay, so I'm not disinterested in this character, but I also didn't care much for this character, I was just meh about him and his situation. Not to mention, one of the biggest beefs I have with this series, how quickly they get over a character they were supposed to be in love with in favor to fall in love with another very pretty character who is never really in danger no matter the situation . . . I have more about this in the story section of my review.
Princess Cleiona Aurora Bellos/7 POV Chapter - Like with Jonas, I was just meh about Cleo, her situation was interesting, but I never feared for her life, especially when the possible outcome happened easily to another character, but she continues to struggle until "the end". So far, her thing pretty much ended with a love saved her kind of deal which, egh.
Princess Lucia Eva Damora/6 POV Chapters - I think Lucia needed more chapters to tell her story . . . Better? I mean, she got a baby at the end of Book 5, a baby who is stealing her magic, but it barely got touched on. Just, she has a baby, it's stealing her magic somehow, she needs her magic to stop Kyan, and . . . that's it. Her baby gets taken at one point, but it didn't really serve any consequences, like, at all.
Prince Magnus Lukas Damora/10 POV Chapters - Well, my boy Magnus has the most chapters, but I no longer found joy in reading them as I used to. Most of his thought process just revolves around Cleo now, especially after a certain somebody dies right near the beginning of the book. I don't know, I will agree that Magnus got one h*** of a change throughout the series compared to other characters, even his sister Lucia, but his change revolves around a girl who I was up and down with throughout the series lol. So, just another set of POVs that I felt meh about it.
Empress Amara Cortas/5 POV Chapters - I felt like her story was not necessary and in the way with what was going on in Mytica. It felt more like, well since she is in the story the author has to include what is going on with her for those who like and/or are curious about this character, and seeing as I never really cared about Amara since a bit after her introduction back in book 3 or 4, I just didn't care about how she was feeling and I predicted HER stories plot twists . . . They had to do with her grandmother, it was just way too obvious.
Nicolo Cassian/3 POV Chapters - To me, Nic's chapters served to only show what Kyan was doing throughout the book as Kyan had control over his body. This was another set of chapters that was predictable and not at all surprising. So, you know . . . egh.

World Building: 2* - Egh, some stuff about the magic felt pretty convenient throughout this book. I mean magical items were found, received, used, without much explanation on how or why they were made, they just existed, and what became one information about the Kindred, now a new information was given to stop them. So . . . whatever, I was pretty much done here.

Story: 2.5* - Well, I'm afraid the story was largely predictable and not all surprising with one character getting over one love interest in favor of another, not enough chapters to tell what a character is going through, one character's chapters felt pointless, and one was just only written to show what the villain was doing without knowing what the villain is thinking or planning. I just found the story average, predictable, and just . . . Meh.

Over All: 3* - All in all, I just found this book ok. It ended with the nicest, prettiest bow tied around an ok box. Basically, the ending was decent to an ok series. Story was meh, characters was a mixture of okay and meh, and, just . . . I don't know, this was just, okay, and I am done with this series.