A review by somecharm
Danse Macabre by Laura M. Hughes


Well, well, well. That was bloody brilliant. I heard some really really great things about this novelette and I'm so glad to say that Danse Macabre has totally 100% lived up to expectations.

It follows the story of a girl called Blue who loses everything due to a mistake she made as a youth. There's what appears to be a Fallen angel in this that puts the (no pun intended) fear of God into her and convinces her to do his bidding by promising that she'll get her parents and sisters into Heaven if she does as he demands.

What follows from the beginning of the story is a brilliantly twisted story of redemption and betrayal. She has a "pet Snail" and a Crow who keep her company in her story. The chapters are short - but not too short, perfect length - with a nice backwards countdown of the trials.

The beginning was suitably spooky with the tale of Old Hopper at the bonfire. Just spooky enough to have the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

Danse Macabre also had a really good ending with no cliffhanger and the ending wrapped up Blue's story nicely.