A review by kgroberts13
My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas


2.5 stars

I loved the idea of this book and it's companion book, [b:The Hidden Blade|22751852|The Hidden Blade (The Heart of Blade Duology #1)|Sherry Thomas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1405922335s/22751852.jpg|42298214], but couldn't quite connect to the story and characters. I really wanted to like the heroine: she's tough, smart, and capable of holding her own ala Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; but instead I found her aloof and difficult to sympathize with.

There is one part of the story that is completely heartbreaking, almost too heartbreaking to handle.

I was also surprised at how tame the love scenes were. Ms. Thomas can be quite sensual with her writing, so I was disappointed with the short moments where the hero/heroine connect on such an intimate level.