A review by eesh25
The Magpie Lord by KJ Charles


For a while there, I thought this would be a 3-star read. And it would've sucked because I've heard nothing but good things about this novel. Thankfully, while the book could still use some improvements in certain areas, other areas made up for it.

The story is about Lord Crane, Lucien, and Stephen Day. Lucien's spent the past twenty years in China. His only family—father and brother—were horrendous fucking people. And when they finally died, Lucien had to come back to sort out the estate. On returning, it seems someone's trying to kill him. Using magic. And that's where Stephen, who's a magician, comes in, to save him. He's reluctantly at first because Lucien's horrendous fucking family ruined many lives, including Stephen's. But those differences are sorted out when Day finds Lucien to be nothing like his brother or father.

The plot is part mystery, part paranormal, part romance, and part fucked up. It's fast-moving, the different aspects are well-balanced, and it's very interesting.

The issue I had with the book was the writing. I wanted more from the prose than it just telling me what the characters were doing and saying. I wanted to knows their thoughts and feeling, something that should be easy to accomplish in a novel. But there was barely any of that, and the protagonists felt like strangers for over half the book.

The thing that made up for the writing not being impactful enough was the story. I loved the plot and the direction the author took with the attempts on Lucien's life. The general fucked up nature of the shit that happened or was revealed was surprising and kinda refreshing. This book was darker than I expected it to be. And, simply put, I liked everything that happened in the book. I just wasn't a fan of how it was told. Though that did slowly start to improve, and the characters definitely grew on me.

Other than that, there could've been a bit more world-building. Or, well, it could've been done differently. I'd have liked to know about the place of magic in this world at the very beginning. A small thing, but it would've been significant in making me feel like I was a part of the world, rather than a distant spectator. But that's a small complaint, especially for such a short novel.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. The second half was, to me, much better than the first. And there's a lot of potential to these characters and where their stories might go, so I'm really glad that we're getting two more books with them. Looking forward to reading those.