A review by bookishlifeofbrie
This Little Light by Lori Lansens


I have read everyone of Lori Lansens’ books and am a huge fan of hers. But this book was just so different from her other book and just, weird. It was also completely lost on me that this was a “dystopian” book (and I only figured this out after reading reviews). Perhaps that’s because it’s only 4 years in the future (2024). It’s also written in blog style format in the words of teenager Rory so the flow and language is grating at times. The story is being told in “real time” as events are unfolding and Rory is attempting to write it all down. Maybe a bit of a backstory about life in 2024 or something would have helped me out? I dunno. I found it unbelievable that these two girls (Rory and Fee) were in hiding and being hunted down by “the crusaders” because they were believed to have bombed their highschool and were part of the red market (underground abortions because abortions are illegal in america). So ya, I guess if I had been smart enough to realize this was a dystopian novel I would have been more invested in the story.