A review by eesh25
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


This was my first Classic Novel and I'm quite hesitant to review it (lot less than I was before but still...)

One of the reasons would be because Classics or really old books intimidate me. I know next to nothing about them or about the conditions at the time they were written and published. For example, I thought being passionate was a good thing. Throughout this book, the word's been used as a insult or reprimand. I also thought being docile wasn't good. Wrong again!

Anyway, this is a good book. I love that it's been written as an autobiography of a fictional character and I really loved seeing Jane throughout the different stages of her life. How she changes in the course of her journey and became a really strong woman. There were times when she kinda pissed me off but I do admire her as a character and I understand why she made the choices that she did.

Mr Rochester was a bit hard to like. He was so rude sometimes! And the servent /master thing irks me. The past really was a different country.

A character that I really did not like was St, John Rivers. Ugh! I wanted someone to kill him! The self-righteous, presumptuous, contorlling, manipulative little asshole! Do you know who he reminded me of? Valentine Morganstern (The villian in the Mortal Instruments series). You know, if St. John was an evil and homicidal with an agenda. And on crack.

But yeah, screw him. Back to the review.

There were times during the novel when I asked myself, "Do I really need to know this?" Or "Does it really matter who wore what in a game of charades?" But these things didn't bother me much.

What did bother was that there were some things that went unanswered. I mean, Charlotte Bronte went as far as to describe every curtain we encountered. Yet she never gave the ecact reason why Jane went away. She told us the event that occured but didn't take the time to reflect over exactly what made Jane leave? Was it betrayal? Did she feel the idea of being with Mr Rochester degrading and undignifying? (Thought it does say somewhere in this book that Jane would rather be happy than dignified)

We also don't know what changed Jane's mind in the end. She was only there for a visit. Did seeing Mr Rochester change her mind because she couldn't bare to leave him again. Or was it because her wife died and she could marry him, which would mean she wouldn't have to be a mistress?

So many questions that I'm sure have been deliberated and speculated and debated over a million times. But it would only be speculation. If only we could email tha author...

And that's it! Done with the review. Don't hate me for saying something bad about this legend of a book, I can't help my opinions.