A review by laci
Krajina kanibalov by Martin Cuco Luciak, Mark E. Pocha


E. Pocha's first book I'd read was "A bude hůř!", a collection of short stories. I went in expecting dumb, gross splatter and was pleasantly surprised when the stories turned out to be quite fine.
So I had higher expectations for Krajina kanibalov.

The first third of the book went well - the characters were interesting and fun, and it isn't every day one reads about a bunch of students from Nitra (Slovakia) on a trip to Peruvian jungles.

Then they met the cannibals.
The next two thirds of the book had no plot, not a single interesting thing - it was just gore porn. Descriptions of how every one of them got tortured, murdered and/or raped.

Now, I don't mind those things _per se_ - if I did, I wouldn't even touch this book, would I. But I don't like self-serving, pointless splatter. If there were a point, or at least some _story_, I'd say meh, whatever. So yeah, I'm disappointed.

PS: F*ck the Goodreads app to hell and back! When I wrote this review in it, I knew I would get horrid UX that would cause me pain during every second of the darn, long, torturous process. But then there was some minor hiccup in net connectivity, and it just deleted the entire thing. #GRhate