A review by semperlunaris
Skulduggery Pleasant #1-5 by Derek Landy


Picture the scene: A dreary day in Waterstones (because of COURSE it's Waterstones) and I'm trudging around in a book rut. Apathetic. Pathetic. Looking for a crumb, a kernel, a teensy bit of something to get me interested in reading. Derek Landy said "Hold my beer" and had me at:

"Gordon Edgley's sudden death came as a shock to everyone—not least himself... A tragic loss, his mind echoed numbly as he slipped away."

'What fabulousness is this?!' I thought, immediately purchasing the book and finishing it off in the car ride home. New obsession unlocked. I adored the witty, cutting style of writing, the characters themselves, the mystery in a lot of the lore and what was going to happen next. Landy is very good at not beating you over the head with exposition or an obvious 'here's what's going to happen next here are all the plot flags!' he's more of a feed you the bread-crumb trail then SURPRISE! Instead of arriving at the witch's cottage OR your family home, you've had the rug pulled out from under you and you've been pushed off a cliff.

I've read up to book 13 but I can't really remember much of the plot/s after book 5 which is why I'm not listing/reviewing the rest of the series. I think Skulduggery Pleasant as a series started to show cracks around book 10 and hasn't recovered (for me, which is a shame as I love the characters - I just think there's too much trying to happen in not a lot of book). I'd still recommend this heartily to others to make up their own mind though :)