A review by angelahayes
Kinked by Tiffany Michelle Brown, Brantwijn Serrah, Nicole Blackwood, Mara Malins, Sara Dobie Bauer, Meredith Dark, Danielle Davis, Cori Vidae, Renee Dominick


5 Stars

kINKED is the second volume of the Pen and Ink Anthology Series. The anthology is made up of eight stories all with the same thread or theme which is- Ink (Tattoo’s) and Kink… the stories are contributed by eight very talented authors. Some of the authors I know and have read, but most of the authors are new to me- which is always an exciting thing for me to be able to discover some new sources of reading material.
I really am surprised by how brilliant this whole anthology is. The stories were ALL really well written and completely captivated me from the very first story, all the way through till the last one. There wasn’t one amongst the lot that let the side down; all the stories were really interesting, imaginative and very polished.

Begin again by: Tiffany Michelle Brown
“Don’t let the past get in the way of what could be.”
Melissa is a talented artist who has a great life and some wonderful friends. But she feels like there is just something missing and she can’t quite put her finger on it. She has always wanted a tattoo, but lacked the courage to get it done. So after a night out with her friends, they convince her to get one right then and there. They find a Tattoo shop in the area, but it isn’t open at that time of night. The girls decide to knock on the door anyway and when the door is opened by the store owner, Callum Reid- the connection and chemistry between him and Melissa is instantaneous and powerful, they feel like they have met before, even though they know they haven’t. This meeting opens up a whole new and exciting source of artistic inspiration for Melissa, and has her exploring the possibility and idea of past lives and soul mates.
I really loved the concept of this story. It was really sweet and quite erotic. Callum was a hunk and I would have let him tattoo me in a heartbeat. This is coming from a person who has never had any ink done before and never had an interest in it, till I read this story. The author wrote so beautifully, I felt like I was part of the story.

Inkarnate by: Mara Malins
Emily Mistry is a very talented portrait artist, but there isn’t a lot of money to be made from portraits at the moment and she desperately needs another source of income. She finds exactly the job she wants, at a tattoo studio- so she applies for the position and attends an interview with 5 other applicants, where they have to design tattoos for 3 different clients. Emily’s tattoo designs are superb and quite unique- the only problem is that Emily doesn’t look like your typical Tattoo studio employee; in fact Emily looks more like a Sunday school teacher.
She manages to get the job and is welcomed by all her new colleagues, except one- Matt Jones, who is the studio’s top artist. Things get off to an awkward start and don’t really improve as the days go by. But when all the staff go for drinks one night after work- things get interesting. They end up at a Dom/Sub Club where the sweet and inexperienced Emily has an awakening of sorts. Matt has a whole exciting and dominant side that Emily wants to get to know better. Matt has a lot he wants to teach Emily.
This story is HOT. It’s very erotic and really well written. I would have loved it to be a much longer novel, it was that good!

The Courier by: Danielle Davis
This story tells of a world where paper is so scarce that it has become a rare and valuable commodity. Messages are now written by Scripter on a human ‘canvas’, the courier. The Post Master controls the couriers, who are bought and sold like cattle.
Piers was sold by his family to become a courier and he has just been given his first assignment. His job is to deliver his message to Aubra- whose fiancé is breaking up with her via the canvas.
Aubra is very wealthy and owns a whole room full of books. Piers has never seen so much paper before. She is quite jaded and moody even though she appears to have everything a person could ever want. Piers is hopeful and optimistic, even though his circumstances are far from being ideal.
She is saddened at receiving the message, but feel a connection to Piers that she wants to explore. She organises for Piers to remain with her until the ink can fade from his body. Will they find their own fairy tale and happily ever after?
This is another great story in this anthology. It was different in a good way. The concept was unique and very imaginative. The story had a great pace and flowed well. A quick, easy read.

Through Glass a Stranger by: Renee Dominick
This story is about a voyeur and her obsession with her neighbour in the apartment opposite hers. She is fascinated by him and appreciates his routine. Watching him makes her feel powerful and sexy and helps breaks the monotony and loneliness of her life. She waits for her nightly ‘show’ and has become addicted to what she sees.
But what if he discovers her watching him? What if his ‘shows’ have always been for her? What if this stranger doesn’t want to be a stranger anymore? Will she drop her defences and let him in? Will she discover that they have more in common than she ever realised?
This was such a sexy read. It really made me think about what happens in big apartment buildings and that we never really know what someone has been through until we are willing to drop our defences and get let people in. The characters were really well written, fully developed and likeable. This didn’t feel like a short story and I loved every word of it.

For the Occasion by: Brantwijn Serrah
A story about the love, deep connection and commitment between a Dom, Mistress Selene and her Sub, Baby. A gift of a tattoo and the significance of behind the design and story of this tattoo.
Such a quick read, but a truly beautiful story with a wonderful message. The story didn’t feel rushed or like it was cut short in any way. A great idea perfectly executed by a talented author.

Sae-ri by: Nicole Blackwood
This is a sci-fi/fantasy story that tells of Zoe, a quirky, independent space explorer, adventurer and map maker. Add a set of very hunky, talented twins and this story really takes off!
WOW- This story is soooo great. I couldn’t read fast enough to find out what was happening! The author has a wonderful style and was so easy to read. I wanted more of this story and would love to have a full length novel. Really, you will want to read this story!

Ink and Ocean by: Meredith Dark
Kayla and Mark connected at NYU and had a wonderful time together exploring each other’s bodies. They had matching Tattoo’s, which are a constant reminder of their time together. They have been apart for some time, but this story tells of this reunion and why they have never been able to forget each other, despite having other relationships and lives that went in different directions.
I really liked this story. It was intriguing and entertaining. A sexy story with all the ingredients to make you want more, a lot more. Well done!

Painted Red by: Sara Dobie Bauer
Angie Clare is a vibrant, quirky girl from the wrong side of the track. She loves video games and works in sex shop. Her body is a beautiful canvas, dedicated to ink- her tattoos are an outer expression of her inner self.
This story tells of the night she meets Ben, a lawyer with a tattoo fetish- and what happens when their worlds collide!
I really loved this story; I didn’t want it to end. It would make a truly wonderful full length novel. The story was beautiful and so very erotic. Just loved everything about it.

If you have been on the fence about getting this anthology, I really recommend you get it- as it is so well done. You really won’t regret spending your time and money on this book.

Thank you to all the contributing authors!