A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
Rebel Heart by Moira Young


There are many things I dislike in books; love triangles, insta-love, characters who don’t communicate, too flowery and pretentious pose and so on.
My biggest bookish pet peeve is boredom. Not slow pacing of lack of events, but when a book loses my interest.
When that happens, the rating sky drops.
The plot of Rebel Heart is okay and improves as the book goes on, but boy did it take long to get there.

There is a lot of walking, and this gave great opportunity for us to get to know the characters, but never mind. We’re in Saba’s head, who’s desperate and heartbroken.Saba is a selfish, somewhat naive and foolish heroine. She asks everything from people, and gives little in return. The world revolves around this girl, we’re completely inside her head, which is a complete mess.
She’s tortured by nightmares and worry.
She is passionate, stubborn and a skilled fighter. She is very flawed and would walk over everyone just to get what she wants.
And I love her, I root for Saba even when she messes up and makes poor decisions.

I really missed Jack, with his witty humor and tendency to bring out the best in everyone.
We have a large cast of secondary characters, who all blended together.
The plot is slow and it took me a good 150 pages to get into it.

Young doesn’t use quotation marks and since Saba can’t read, words are misspelled and this makes it hard to get into the book at first. Now, this is not the problem that I had with the writing.
It was very difficult to picture the world and landscape in my head, feeding off these short, snappy sentences. It made me feel detached to the story.

Final verdict:
A sequel that has more promise in its ending than in the overall plot. I do lil where the series is going, so I’ll read the next one, but this was a big disappointment.