A review by mg_in_md_
The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto


to be reviewed

This is probably more of a 3.5 rating for me but I rounded up because I liked how different this book was. I kept wondering where the story was going as I turned each page and was intrigued to find out the ending. Plus, I always enjoy discovering new authors from other countries and getting a different perspective on the world. This author was recommended to me by a friend years ago and I've had her on my "to read" list for awhile. When I stumbled across this slim volume wandering through the stacks at my local library, I figured it was about time to read one of her books. The story centers around a young woman who moves to Tokyo after her mother's death, hoping to overcome her grief and start a career as a graphic artist. However, she struggles with her art and finds herself staring out the window quite a bit. She spies an attractive young man who lives across the street from her apartment building and the two eventually embark on a tentative and unusual romance. As they get to know each other, she discovers that something unspeakable happened to him in his past. She slowly pieces together what it was after they visit two friends from his past at a tranquil lake outside the city. Together, they work to overcome old wounds and move forward with their lives. The translation was phenomenally well done and immensely readable. I'm glad I stumbled across this book by chance and look forward to reading others by this author.