A review by bookish_notes
Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon


This series likes starting books off with a bang. And by that, I mean death, not sex. Even though there is a lot of hot sex in these books. This story starts out with Liz Lewis and she's in a bit of a bind when a former client sends out a hitman to murder her in her apartment. She barely escapes, but she needs a place to get away while her friend, Scott, makes a few calls and looks into the entire situation. So, Scott decides to send her to the most secluded, out-of-the-way place he can - to his brother's Silas' farm. What Scott failed to mention is that him and Silas are on bad terms with one another and the community around the farm is small and everyone knows each other's business. In order to keep the real reason Liz is there, Liz and Silas is going to have to fake a loving relationship with one another for the duration of her stay.

So, Silas is Mr. Grumpypants and the least cordial man Liz has the pleasure of staying with so far from the life she's known in the city. Her law firm still wants her to work of course, because by no means is she on vacation. But the farm life is different. When Liz finds herself surrounded by the attractive, broody Silas, his five (FIVE!) dogs, and the nosy, but endearing, workers on the farm...she finds herself maybe kind of liking it.

I love Silas. I absolutely love how awkward he is, and yet making no concessions to Liz in his own house. He's not the type of guy to offer the girl the bed and sleep on the sofa. Because OH NO. They're sharing the bed. Silas is so precious. And then you have Liz, who comes practically out of nowhere in the dead of night from the city, and she is about to show him who's in charge. I love that we have a female dom and that Silas is so willing to go along with whatever she says and does. UGH I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH.

Liz's confidence and experience is such a fantastic compliment to Silas' shy and awkward self. Even when Silas wants to tell Liz he wants to have sex with her, his telling means that he's throwing down a box of condoms and lube on the bed with all the seriousness like they're going into battle instead. I swear, this man is grump half the time he's with Liz, but at least he's a grumpy cinnamon roll. And bonus - Silas' love for calzones means that he would totally be besties with Ben Wyatt from the TV show, Parks and Recreation.

Liz is a hard worker and the stress of almost being murdered in her own home takes a bit of a toll on her. I did wonder how this would all wrap up, and I really liked it. I loved reading the interactions between Liz and her friends and sister on chat. I really loved the story and the characters and I can't wait to read the next book in this series!!!

***Thanks to the author for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review***