A review by divapitbull
Red Fox by Karina Halle


I enjoyed the second EIT installment despite that I still have issues with the two main characters. In Red Fox we did a switcheroo and Dex aggravated me more than Perry. Granted, Perry got off to a bad start hating on Dex’s girlfriend Jenn for no reason other than that she’s seethingly jealous of her and makes all sorts of assumptions about her “perfect life” that are nothing but sour grapes. Then she announces that she “tends to hate on a lot of people for no apparent reason". It all makes her sound shallow and insecure, a little pathetic and plain old not very nice. Then there’s the whole blaming her “flabby thighs” for slowing her down – and for the love of God – if you’re that fixated on it – eat less and exercise or accept yourself as you are and stop whining!! However while we got off to a rough start Perry pulled it together and focused on the mystery. She also earned points for resisting Dex’s flirtations and reminding him that he does have a girlfriend – which was the decent thing to do and very impressive for Perry – especially since she fancies herself in love with Dex.

Dex who in the first installment I gave props to for being flirtatious but not crossing any lines with Perry – nosedived in installment 2. He was crossing lines all over the place. He also forgot his medication. His psych medication that he’s only been taking for a short period of time and has no idea how he’ll react to withdrawing from it. Both Dex and Perry astound me with their level of irresponsibility and immaturity. But they do have chemistry – I have to give them that – there are definitely sparks between them. And while on the subject of characters – Perry’s parents seem awfully critical; but at this point I’m still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re worried she’s going to end being 30 and living in their basement.

The story follows the format of Darkhouse – Perry has creepy dreams that foreshadow what’s to come in her ghost hunting endeavors. For the second episode of their webinar Perry and Dex are going to New Mexico to investigate poltergeist activity experienced by a Native American couple on their ranch. There’s quite the cast of characters and the feeling that everyone has an agenda and you don’t know quite who to trust adds to the suspense. We learn a little bit more about Dex’s background from his old college friend Maximus who calls them into the investigation when he hits a wall in his ghost cracking.

The difference between Dex and Perry and their Experiment in Terror show and other ghost hunting reality shows it that Dex and Perry encounter real supernatural activity that tries to kill them and leaves bruises and other assorted injuries. This time around it’s in the form of attacking animals and Native American mythology (nothing so mundane as garden variety poltergeist).

I think I’ll finish the series. Perry could be a really cool character if she could grow up and embrace the Serenity Prayer. I’m not sure what Dex’s deal is yet. He’s got a Byronic hero vibe going on which is intriguing; but I don’t like the game he’s playing with Perry when he has a girlfriend – that he lives with no less. I’m thinking he best shit or get off the pot pretty quickly or I’m going to lose patience with him.