A review by flissjoy33
Blink and You Die by Lauren Child


I love this book so much! I've read the whole series now.

Looking at the front cover you think that Ruby is going to die, but though she gets close to it multiple times, she's able to get out of it.

I love how Ruby first misleads the reader into thinking LB deliberately killed Bradley Baker, but then you end up liking her at the end. As for Bradley Baker not being dead, that was the biggest twist that could have happened. Though he dies shortly after the reader meets him, its nice to know him for a short while.

My favourite chapters are when Ruby has no idea who is lying: Buzz or Hitch. It's one of the first times Ruby's intelligence falls short and she uses the sixth sense that Clancy has encouraged her to use from Book 1.

The reason why this book is only 4 stars is because its not my favourite in the series. Book 1 Look Into My Eyes will always be my favourite no matter what.