A review by duanur
Binbir Hayalet by Alexandre Dumas


I can't believe I haven't heard about this book before. It has my two favourite things: Alexandre Dumas and ghost/supernatural stories.

This was the best "short story collection" I have ever read. The reason why I'm using quotation marks is because it is not really a short story collection. We have 5 characters who are all inspired from real people, our main character being Alexandre Dumas himself. Basically throughout this book each of these characters (except Alexandre Dumas) tell a ghost or a supernatural story they heard or actually encountered themselves. So unlike real short story collections you actually get to know the characters and I even loved some of them.

Before starting the book, it actually has a letter from Alexandre Dumas to -I believe- his editor. And that was such an interesting thing to read as well. It is only a few pages long but I felt like I actually talked to Alexandre Dumas and got to know him better. And since Alexandre Dumas is one of my favourite authors, that was a dream come true for me.

He always combines history, action, mystery, romance so well together. And this book had all of these and more.

I don't know who to recommend this book specifically but I think it is one of those books that everyone can read and enjoy. If you haven't read anything by Alexandre Dumas and you are intimidated by the sizes of his books, this may be a good book to start with.