A review by patchworkbunny
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan


Warning: This novel is not suitable for younger readers, there's graphic sex and lots of swearing including the c-word which I know a lot of people dislike.

Kudos to Glen Duncan for writing a literary werewolf novel. I wanted to love it but have come away feeling a bit ambivalent. The majority of the novel is narrated by Jacob, the last of his kind. However a lot of these conversations seem to be happening during sex. Whilst sex and violence isn't automatically a bad recipe for a novel, I didn't think it fit with the style of prose which was fairly reflective.

I didn't find the plot particularly strong. WOCOP is an organisation that has been hunting werewolves for some time and Grainer, a Hunter, is hoping to seek revenge. Jacob is resigned to his fate and starts saying his goodbyes to the one person with meaning in his life, Harley, who he saved many years ago and has since formed a close bond. I thought this relationship came across as very real and touching however the story soon goes off in a different direction and I think I preferred the earlier half of the book. The ending was a little predictable for my liking but then maybe I read too many werewolf books!