A review by felinity
Cold Magic by Kate Elliott


This has been on my to-read list for years, and when I finally got around to actually reading it I was incredibly glad for book vouchers and ereaders that let me buy book 2 immediately!

The worldbuilding is intrinsically detailed, the cultures a fascinating and diverse mix, and the magic a strange and mysterious hint. In short, as with [b:Jaran|228337|Jaran (Jaran, #1)|Kate Elliott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388350765s/228337.jpg|1529707], the anthropologist in me was totally enthralled to explore Cat's world and join in her search for self.

I do wish, though, that there had been a little introduction to give some context, even if just explaining the alternate history Afro-Celt-Roman mixture. I had successfully avoided spoilers, and that meant I had no idea what was going on or who was what and where; the cold mages in particular were a real mystery to me. Maybe that's intentional, but I found it a little frustrating at times. That's the only reason I docked points. The rest was compelling reading, once I got past the first couple of chapters.