A review by timinbc
Hounded by Kevin Hearne


OK, that was enough fun that I'll read another - but I'm going to insist on some improvements to go beyond #2.

First and most important: did anyone else keep wanting to call the dog Loiosh? Oberon is far too close to being Vlad Taltos's jhereg (author Steven Brust), albeit less intelligent.

Hearne's done his homework on the mythology, and I can excuse some info-dumping in what is obviously meant to kick off a series. Indeed, it's too obviously meant to be a series, probably one with a LOT of books in it. I got a strong feeling of "If Jim Butcher and Richard Kadrey can get rich off this, and I'm a better writer, let's get at it." That's OK, and he's probably right, and to be fair the mythology here adds a new angle.

As others noted, Atticus is about as mature as Kvothe despite being thousands of years old. A wedgie? Really? Also, can we please have some women who are neither Jessica Rabbit nor a caricature from a 1950s musical about Ireland?

I award a mark, however, and a read-the-next-one point for the setup in which everyone's manipulating everyone else.

Half a point off for the feeling that every time Aenghus Óg was mentioned I thought of "Young Frankenstein" where the horses whinny at every mention of Frau Blücher's name.