A review by annareadshere
Hearts Don't Lie by Sutton Bishop


Synopsis: In this second chance romance, Mac and Hardin are childhood sweethearts, from different sides of the tracks. Hardin had dreams to go on to become a professional soccer star, while Mac was going to follow as far as she could go. But one night, everything is taken away from the both of them. And now, twelve years later, their paths cross. Can everything be normal again or will it be a struggle to make sense of their new lives?

Review: Sutton Bishop is a new-to-me author, but I am absolutely in love with her storytelling. The details, the characters, the history, the constant angst - it all just made this book so damn good. I knew from the blurb that it was going to be an emotional rollercoaster, but I don’t think I expected it to be so much more than I bargained for. Mac and Hardin are such great leads and to watch them both fall in love as teenagers and then as adults was truly a wonderful experience.

Not only do Mac and Hardin come from different sides of the town they grew up, she goes to the rival school. Mac has a shitty home life, with an abusive mother who doesn’t care for her daughter even a little. While Hardin also has a tough home life where his parents are putting so much pressure on his soccer dreams, almost like it’s for them and not him. When their families get involved in their secret relationship, everything spins out of control, splitting Mac and Hardin apart with no way to get in touch and sort everything out.

The book goes back and forth, giving you a glimpse into Mac and Hardin’s young life and then into their current lives. Mac has started a new life with her young son and is now the co-owner of an adventure company in Colorado. She’s made sense of her life and she’s got a surrogate family that loves and supports her completely. And it’s so beautiful seeing Mac with her son, Stowe. She’s grown up so much from the little girl she was with Hardin and to see how much she loves and protects her son, while still being a totally badass boss babe is such a wonderful sight.

Hardin, on the other hand, went on to follow his dreams. He’s playing for a Spanish team and he’s finally got some time off before training starts. Which brings him to Colorado. Because for the last 12 years, he’s been tracking down Mac and with the help of a really good PI, finally finds her and he’s not letting go this time. Except, Mac isn’t entirely looking forward to seeing him. And Hardin being Hardin, makes a big impact by showing up in the small town of Piñon Ridge.

The slow burn romance is beautiful, because you can see that Hardin wants Mac to give him another chance, but she’s got so much to sort through. There’s so much they both have to talk about with what happened that fateful night when their lives were changed forever. Mac and Hardin have always known that his family didn't approve of her, but it’s definitely hard to talk about. Then there’s her son, Stowe, who is the most important part of her life and Mac doesn’t want to upset that balance.

The big and small secrets all come to life as you travel up and down memory lane. While at times the flashbacks seem like too much, it’s an important part of Mac and Hardin’s story. To truly understand why they are the way they are, you have to dig into their history and relive it with them. This is a beautiful second chance story with two very incredible leads. I’m so glad I got a chance to read an advance copy, because this book gave me all the feels!

Thanks to Wildfire Marketing Solutions & Sutton Bishop for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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