A review by charonlrdraws
The Iron Ghost by Jen Williams


And The Iron Ghost is by no means an improvement to The Copper Promise and things just got stupid and I just wanted to punch these characters as the story went on, and welp I only have one more book to suffer through and then I'm done with this trilogy! And yes for a sequel it got worse and yeah evidently a 500 plus page book was just an excuse to add more unwanted filler content that once again left rolling my eyes in frustration what could possibly go wrong in The Silver Tide! Lets find out!

A summery for The Iron Ghost:

Beware the dawning of a new mage...

Wydrin of Crosshaven, Sir Sebastian and Lord Aaron Frith are experienced in the perils of stirring up the old gods. They are also familiar with defeating them, and the heroes of Baneswatch are now enjoying the perks of suddenly being very much in demand for their services.

When a job comes up in the distant city of Skaldshollow, it looks like easy coin - retrieve a stolen item, admire the views, get paid. But in a place twisted and haunted by ancient magic, with the most infamous mage of them all, Joah Demonsworn, making a reappearance, our heroes soon find themselves threatened by enemies on all sides, old and new. And in the frozen mountains, the stones are walking...