A review by mayhemmoxie
Born of Legend: The League Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I got this book from a friends bookstore when I went to an event they were holding. I did not know anything about it, including that it was number nine in a series. But, luckily for me, it turns out that it doesn't even really matter that it was number nine in the series. There are some pieces of background that I'm sure I missed out on by not reading the first eight, but it didn't prevent me from being able to follow and enjoy the story. The main man, Dagger, has been been the villain in so many peoples stories that being a hero to someone is something he can't quite comprehend. But he grows into it as he battles through pain and prejudice for the love of a lady. The world is really intriguing, the characters are all pretty interesting, and it seems like nothing ever goes the way anyone planned (which I like). This book was long and I struggled to really grok everything at the beginning, but it held my attention the whole time and it definitely convinced me to try the rest of the series (starting at the beginning this time).