A review by jigsawgirl
Embracing His Syn by A.E. Via


This book was TOO long.Furious was not my favorite character, although I felt sorry for him having to deal with Patrick and Brendan.

Furious continually mentioning how he could "take care of himself" was ridiculous considering Syn had to save him more than once. Furi was entirely too prickly. Everything Syn said set him off.

Syn was just starting to figure out who he was and what he wanted, but Furi seemed to want Syn to know immediately with no questions. Chill bro'.

There were a few plots going on. The violent, abusive ex and his brother, the killer women, the tainted ecstasy dealer etc. I admit that I skimmed through some of this. It was too much. There seemed to be an issue with women. It made no sense to me why they suddenly hated Furi. Syn didn't have much of a backstory. Tbh, from that first chapter when Syn was introduced to the last felt like years had gone by.

The high points for me were I liked Day and got to listen to Aiden Snow narrate.