A review by jfmirab2
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 3 by Richard P. Feynman


After a long time (what was it, almost a year?) of reading three or four lectures at a time, I've finished at least a first pass through the Feynman Lectures! There's no such thing as being done with these lectures (I'm already back into the first, skimming through things again) which seem to take more and more brilliant shades on with increasing intuition. If Feynman wasn't the greatest mind of the 20th century, then I'd at least wager he was the sharpest, and the most empathetic to the learner. His friendly examples and ability to link disparate examples within physics together absolutely astounds.

I'm learning physics in a bad generation, I'm sure of it. Reading Feynman's teachings makes me nostalgic for a community of particle physicists I've only ever met in pages.