A review by amber_lea84
How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers


I have a plushie of the red rocket from this story so I figured I should read the source material.

He didn't even use the rocket! It's barely in the story. What a load.

Listen, how are you going to tell us in the FIRST book in the series that the kid went to the moon last week? I want that story! This story is just him lamely waiting around all DAY for a star to appear and he makes some weak attempts to grab it out of the sky after sundown.

I realize way more thought goes into writing children's books than it seems, and there's a lot of consideration for where children are at developmentally and all that, but whenever I read stories like this I always feel the urge to rage-write ten alternative versions. I could write a version with more rocket. I could write a version with more creative ways to try to catch the star. I could write a version with more fantasies about what he would do with the star once he catches it. I could write a version where he spends a bunch of time imaging what stars do up there all night. Anything would be better than this. For every kid listening to stories like this, there's a poor adult who has to read it to them so my old person opinion matters.