A review by storiedconversation
The Wrong Highlander by Lynsay Sands


I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I agreed to read and review this book because the blurb was just so great. Not to mention the cover. I mean come on! I thought it was awesome that the heroine took matters into her own hands and kidnapped the guy she needed to help her. If only she had thought to ask his name, then she would have known she got the wrong brother. Or did she?

Evina is just trying to do the right thing. It's not her fault she got the wrong brother. Okay, like I said she should have asked first but hey a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Conran isn't expecting to get kidnapped either and by a girl none the less. The story had me laughing out loud at times. They are so stubborn and while the relationship doesn't start the way you would expect it develops in the best of ways. While all of the Buchanan's  show up since this is the first int he series that I have read I didn't know much about them. I can tell you that now that I've read it, I am going back and reading all six of the previous ones. This review was originally posted on A Lucky Grace