A review by nesasaenz81
That Fatal Kiss by Mina Lobo


I need to 'fess up, I didn't remember reading this book. The cover looked familiar, but as I was reading it, aside from the traditional tropes and storyline, it felt fresh. I liked it even better this time. (I'd originally given it 3🌟s.
Does it get a little cheesy sometimes? Yes.
Is some of the dialogue a little anachronistic? Yes.
Do these things ruin the story? Nope.
Why would I recommend it?
Cuz Hades is a big ol' (sexy) softie when it comes to our girl Persephone. He's all growly, then like: "Just kidding, sweetie, whatever you want."
Cuz Persephone, although attracted to him, doesn't go all Insta-lust/love on us. She makes him work for affection, but not in a TSTL fashion.