A review by leesha_nyaa
Forget Me Not by Julie Soto


I think the title is a version of the "loves me, loves me not" thing. It is clear in the story that the main characters were strongly affected by their breakups in both timelines and never stopped loving each other even after 2 years. It also sounds like a flower name, so it plays well into the themes. 
In all honesty, I almost didn't finish the book. I felt like the main characters were falling flat. Elliot was a walking contradiction to when we first met him. I didn't understand anything in his mind, whether it was about the flower shop or Ama. 
Ama told him in the beginning that she didn't believe in marriage. When Elliot proposed to her (Regardless of perfect timing), I felt she had every right to say no. She had the trauma to back up her answer, but he asked anyway. It was selfish.

Ama was a walking disaster waiting in motion. I hate how she never really asked her mom about the marriages. I would have loved to explore that. I also hate that she had the gall to
tell Elliot she was falling for him and not expect to see any kind of progression, regardless if she told him that she didn't want a marriage. Even though I understood why she refused, she should have never said she loved him. It wasn't right. Especially when she believed that all relationships end eventually. She firmly believed they would always end.
I'm not a fan of the "He falls first, she falls harder" trope. So this book wasn't for me. I think it had potential that's why I'm not giving it 1 star, but I just didn't really like this book. It felt like there was missing information that I would have liked to know about.
For instance, like Elliot's dad's death. I would have wanted to see the turmoil that he had about having to quit school and do something he thought he disliked more. I would have liked the drama of Ama confronting her mom about 16 marriages.
But I didn't get that. So it felt empty for me.