A review by clay1st
The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail by Ray Dalio


There is really only one idea in this book and that is that nations go through stages of rise and decline that lead from one to another. He also explains a little about happens during each stage that can either prolong it or lead to the next stage, mostly in terms of long-term debt cycle... stuff... but it doesn't feel very intellectually rigorous, he spends little time looking for exceptions or analysing causal links.
He also uses appeal to the fact he has consulted many "friends" and "experts" as a backing for assertions wayyy too often. It's actual cringe.

Ray's "keep it simple, stupid" style is very approachable and it's also clear that Ray also thinks it's charming to repeat himself in order to 'hammer the point home' but it's really not, this book should have been much much shorter or maybe just a blog post.

Overall I'd just say, read a summary online of which there are many and you will not miss out on anything.