A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
Chaos Rises by Pippa DaCosta


Ahh, to be back in The Veil world; where demons are sexy and sly and every deed is self-serving. Oh, Veil world, how I’ve missed you!

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Hiding out from the Institute, Half-bloods Gem and Del seek refuge with the demon Allard. In exchange for their care and protection, they do “jobs” for him. Jobs that no-one else in their right mind would risk. But when you are dealing with a demon, not all things are as they seem. When one job goes very, very wrong and her brother, Del, disappears, Gem needs to needs to decide to what lengths she will go to get her brother back.

In true Pippa DaCosta fashion, Chaos Rises is action packed and filled with characters you love to hate and hate to love. Duplicity reigns in the new world after The Veil and deciding who to trust is tricky. While I loved Gem (even if she was a bit naive and rash), my true favorite was Torrent, a hottie half-blood water elemental with mad crossbow skills who can shift to have a tail. A TAIL. *sigh*

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*don’t judge me people*

While it is possible to read this as a separate series, I really recommend you read The Veil series first. Especially if you have plans to read it at some point. The events in this book/series take place directly after the events in that series and, as such, contain spoilers to what happens in the conclusion of that series.

As for me, I can’t wait to see where the next book take us. Because that ending. Heck yeah! I freakin’ loved that ending!

*A copy was provided to CGSR Book Blog in exchange for an honest review*