A review by mells_view
Flawed by Tracy Wolff


This was my first book by Tracy Wolff and I was delightfully surprised! Not that I didn't expect great things, but I was surprised by how much more it was than just your every day romance.

Don't get me wrong this is your classic frenemies to lovers romance, with a bit of instalove and a bunch of naughty times. The difference was that there was a bit of a message mixed in with the story. I'll let you figure out. E message is on your own when you read it, but I just wanted to mention it because I appreciate when books give you that little bit extra.

I really enjoyed Tori and Miles' banter. It was pretty funny at times, and even when they were mad at each other it only added to their tension!

Some of the situations are OTT, but it's well written and there are other more relatable parts that tone the OTT moments down!

Recommend to anyone who enjoys frenemies to lovers and instalove!!

*ARC copy from NetGalley*