A review by maisierosereads
Unspeakable: A Queer Gothic Anthology by Celine Frohn


<a href= "https://maisierosereads.wordpress.com/2020/12/13/unspeakable/">Read my review on my blog, with a free bookmark design for each story, here!</a>
Note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher and Caffeine Book Tours in exchange for my participation in this tour, including an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading Unspeakable. The stories range in style from classic gothic to modern paranormal, with a wide range of themes, identities, and settings. There are curses, hauntings, vampires, mermaids, werewolves, and plenty of other monsters besides. Some of the stories are heartwarming (such as Homesick), others might leave you feeling a little queasy (note the body horror warning for Leadbitter House!) – and if there is an individual story which you don’t fancy reading due to the content warnings or for any other reason, there will be plenty of others for you to enjoy.

The world definitely needs more diverse gothic fiction – I find that so many of the classics can be difficult to enjoy as a disabled queer woman! Whilst this collection doesn’t represent all aspects of diversity, it does contain many queer characters in the main roles, not just as tragic side characters.

I sometimes find it difficult to rate anthologies due to how much the quality can vary between stories, but I didn’t have that problem with Unspeakable. Although of course I had my favourites, and a couple of stories didn’t quite hit the mark for me, on average I feel that this collection deserves the 4 stars I’ve given it. If you’re a fan of the gothic, paranormal, or eerie side of horror I think you’ll enjoy it! 

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